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    Social services for older people


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    Social services for older people

    The program
    Improving quality of life of the person assisted, regaining capacity social reintegration, prevent lonliness, isolation,
    depression, suicide and promote Christian moral values.
    -People aged over 60 years
    -Which have a insufficient income for daily living
    -Which are  alone, without support of  their kin
    - Whics are mentally healthy
    -They have to  collaborate  with volunteers or representatives of AFTR.
    -To provide true and correct information about the situation that was.
    -Other services
    1. Counseling - individual discussion which attend  to  detect problems, their acceptance and finding solutions to solve them conform Christian principled..At  need is offered by AFTRA partners specialized counseling.
    2. Emotional support group - consists of the elderly group meetings, where they have the opportunity to know each other, to know
    problems faced and to help each other. The discussion also will address various topics that target issues facing elderly helping them to correctly report:
    -Loneliness problem
    -Problem of negative emotions: anxiety, fear, depression
    Disease-the problem of death
    -Love, forgiveness, gossip, etc..
    3. Giving  spiritual support
    -At the request of their various books they read the Bible or prayer and pray together for them
    -Participation in programs and activities organized by the elderly in the community
    pilgrimage -organization for those interested in Orthodox Holy Monastery of Nima Raciului, the leading spiritual partner of AFTR.
    4. Socializing and activities for free time:
    -Birthdays, Easter, Christmas, etc.
    -Company for bedridden people and not only
    Meetings-participation in the elderly or other activities organized by the association or partners (depending on their health)
    5. Outdoor recreation:
    Around-walks, park tours, pilgrimage, etc.
    Day-trips to the forest
    Output in the cafeteria-
    -Home visits (1 / 2 week)
    -Intermediation to doctors and other institutions
    -Accompanying to doctor and other institutions
    , Hospital visits, hospitalization, discharge
    -Payment of bills
    Easy-cleaning if necessary
    -Material aid (food, clothing, footwear, medicines, pampers, household appliances, cosmetics, home restoration, etc.).
    Financial Aid ( for food and detergent, paying current expenses and medicine) whenever  is possible
    Other services:
    Cart-monthly (on request)
    -Distribution of food packages to address beneficiaries
    -Performing and recording acts of donation, the receptions, the payment provisions
    Monthly report-making and delivery
    Monthly statement-making and budget
    -Photos (representing the project activity or service)
    Monthly news-editing and putting them on the site
    Monthly reports, typing and general
    DURATION assist Elder
    Assisting occurs throughout the life of the elderly; closing of intervening (as I reported and above) only in case of death,
    or the desire expressed by the recipient no longer be assisted.
    Program Coordinator: Marcel Sandru
    Vice-chairman  AFTRA

     Daca doriti sa sustineti acest proiect,in special,si activitatile AFTR in general, o puteti face printr-o mica donatie in contul AFTR : RO11BRMA0999100060580570  deschis la Banca Romaneasca Reghin

    For donations of goods (clothing, shoes, books, toys, food, durable, etc.). Contact us by dates which can be found under "Contact."

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      Vrei sa ajuti la derularea activitatilor si proiectelor Asociatiei filantropice "Timi&Raluca"?O poti face printr-o mica donatie in contul AFTR : RO11BRMA0999100060580570  deschis la Banca Romaneasca Reghin

                                     Sau achizitioneaza, un spatiu publicitar.Acesta va fi inserat in pagina aleasa de tine.

                             Daca doresti spatiu de publicitate aici,suna la 0758-644.761 !!!


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