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    For a long time the old age was considered a disease ,not a natural stage of life program. Since 1988, the World Health Organization included senescence among the top five priority issues of public health in addition to cardiovascular disease, cancer, HIV and alcoholism.
    Old age is marked by the entry of the individual during retirement. Time itself brings a strong identity crisis, especially for men, because women remain largely domestic and family orientation. Social crisis is not always accompanied by a personal crisis, studies on the transition from working life to retirement stating  that the increased mortality and morbidity in the years following retirement is more a myth than a reality.
    Another issue is the widow. Widowhood is primarily regarded as one of the major transitions of aging women. Focusing on the female universe has some support in demographics.
    The aging process changes both organic structures - cells, tissues, organs, systems and devices - and, hence, functions performed by their integrity, which in turn function as the whole body. So is the age when most problems arise from health issues to be tackled here requires medication and spent a significant amount of income older people who are so largely insufficient.
    In our country assistance for the elderly is regulated by Law no. 17/2000 and covers, firstly, the assessment of older people requiring support. Services for older people is done with their consent and have regard to: temporary care, temporary or permanent care in a home for the elderly, day care centers, clubs for the elderly, homes for temporary care, apartments and housing as well and many such.
    Ensemble of social services for the elderly are relatively few, so that variety and number. These services are promoted by NGOs, churches / religions - public services (mainly residential) and is generally similar to those people with disabilities.
    If there is a range of urban services, thanks to NGOs and easier access to finance in rural areas almost completely missing. Only residential centers - hospital retirement homes or homes - large institutions in the category of type cazon, hidden in villages cut off from the world, "inheritance" of the old society.
    Analysis of social protection for older issues are placed in the context of our country"s choice of European integration.
    At this age, the media is becoming more necessary as the person they age and is aggravated by factors like poverty, health problems etc.. But there are independent people who depend on a very limited extent of the support of others.

    Retirement. Active vs. inactive elderly
    Functionalist sociologists who have paid more attention to old and last period of life were Americans Elaine Cumming and William Henry (see Navy, 2003) which în1961, an ambitious theoretical work, proposed a vision of old age has done a long career in global sociology. American sociologists have studied how to remove the elderly from their roles at work and how to prepare for the final posting: death. They suggested that the gradual withdrawal of older roles in the workplace and in social relations is "inevitable" and is a natural process.
    Cumming and Henry argue that the disengagement process is rewarding and is a universal process of withdrawal of the individual in society. Other authors also noted that disengagement takes place and minimize the social disruption caused by aging person"s death. Disengagement occurs after her, through a reduction in the number of social roles played by an individual, by a decrease in social interaction and a change in the nature of social ties that will be focused more on emotional issues than the Solidarity functional. In terms of the two, the process will lead to a new balance in older people who, for 80 years, will lead an almost entirely decommitted. They minimize their ties with their lives, they will abandon their worries and responsibilities and concerns are refocusing field by themselves.


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