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Ch. I. General Provisions
Article 1 charity "TIMI & Raluca", is a nongovernmental humanitarian and charity, unconditional political, ethnic, racial and religious patrimonial purpose, to assist persons with physical disabilities, mental and social and other categories of persons in difficulty., operating in accordance with the law by members signatories Association will
Article 2 Purposes Charity Association "TIMI & Raluca"
- Identifying and helping children with health problems and those with birth, street children, those in shelters, identifying and helping abused children or parents of physically abused and / or psychological recovery of children and the disabled , the helpless elderly, their integration into standards of civilized society, and helping needy families, the elderly and others who need help.
- Fundraising for children with birth defects, disability, helpless old people, etc..
- Elderly care and providing food and medicines to address them.
- Establish an office for counseling and help those in trouble.
- Establish a temporary accommodation center, with food and can ensure the necessary conditions for abandoned children or elderly, to find a permanent solution reintegration (placement in foster homes, permanent centers, nursing home, etc.)
- Establishment of a micro-agro-livestock farms in order to self-financing.
- Implement promotional activities to support sponsorship;
- Promote and material support of young talents and gifted children coming from orphanages or poor families.
- Working with corporate and home and abroad to achieve the objectives and fulfilling.
- Finding the best ways of collaboration with the network of public and private hospitals to address and resolve difficult cases;
- Activities to protect and conserve the environment.
- Animal Protection Activities
- Other activities, providing they do not violate legal provisions in force.
Article 3 Objectives: A.F.T.R. has as main concern, activities that are required to improve the lifestyle of people in the major difficulty of all ages, people homeless, families with many children, abandoned children, street children or those of plasamant centers, the elderly, with or without disabilities, etc..
We are concerned with the provision of social services, educational, cultural and appropriate medical,
4 The Association may establish, with approval of general meeting will be held companies and direct economic activities and ancillary purposes in conjunction with the association, especially for self-financing.
Art.5 Name is charity association "TIMI & Raluca", hereinafter called AFTRA.
Headquarters in St Art. 6 AFTR is Cutezantei nr.59, ap.18, Targu Mures, Mures 540455, Romania.
Article 7 The Association is indefinitely
Article 8 of the original Heritage Association 1000 is Ron.
Ch. II Members
Article 9 A.F.T.R. consists of founding members, associate members, sympathizers members, honorary members and volunteers.
Article 10
10.1.The quality of founding member and associate member is by satisfying the following conditions:
- Submission of registration documents in accordance with the rules of entry, prepared by the Director (Application form and application for accession)
- Approval of the Board
- Pay the registration fee and levy for the current year
10.2The sympathizer and member membership is voluntary:
- After completion, signing and approving the registration sheet, application and adherence to a voluntary agreement.
Article 11 Becoming a member is honored by the Board of Director, in recognition of exceptional merit in professional and scientific, national and international submissions and made outstanding contribution to the achievement AFTRA
Article 12 Loss of membership is the following:
- Written request by the State Board.
- Failure to pay dues for two consecutive years
- In case of moral or material injury to the association, with approval by the General Assembly, the Board proposal
Article 13 Rights of the founding members and associated members:
- To elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the association as a condition for carrying out the day of obligation for payment of dues.
- To participate, without restriction or discrimination in organized events and take advantage of the opportunities provided by association members.
- To bring organs in situations which believes that their interests as members of the association were violated.
14 members rights supporters and volunteers:
- To participate, without restriction or discrimination in organized events and take advantage of the opportunities provided by association members.
- To bring organs in cases it considers that their interests as members of the association were violated.
- To promote the purposes and actions of the association.
Article 15 Obligations of full members and associate members:
- To comply with the statutes and decisions of governing bodies
- Founding members pay an annual fee set by Board
- Associate Members pay a subscription fee equivalent to 50% of the founding members
- To pay the annual terms and conditions set by the Board.
- To respect and promote the image, goals and actions of the association.
- Not to harm or damages or any other type of association or its members.
- Have a civilized behavior, not to use images, things, offensive or defamatory words or phrases to the association and its members.
16 Honorary members pay no dues, have the same rights as founding members, except voting rights and can not be elected to governing bodies.
Chapter III. Categories of economic resources of the association:
Article 17 of the association income from:
- Membership fees
- Interest and dividends obtained from available funds, the legal conditions
- Revenue from direct economic activities: agro-activities zooteh-nice, editing and distribution of promotional business.
- Donations, sponsorship, according to the law
- Other income, under the law
Ch. IV organization and functioning of the association
Article 18 Organs of the association are:
- General Assembly
- Board
- Audit Committee
- Treasurer
General Assembly:
Article 19 The General Assembly is the governing body composed of all members and meets once a year in ordinary session or special meeting if necessary.
Article 20 In preparing the General Assembly, the Board will send all members by mail with return receipt, fax or e-mail, agenda and issues put to the vote.
Article 21 The General Assembly shall be deemed constituted by the presence of at least half plus one voting members of the association. If the first convocation there is no quorum, the Board rescheduled the general meeting no later than 30 calendar days. Within that statutory quorum is ¼ of the members voting. The "presence" is considered physical presence or existence of a holograph document expressing the will to vote in connection with documents submitted for approval.
Article 22 Voting at general meetings shall be expressed individually. Members not participating may express their vote in writing by mail. A decision shall be deemed approved by simple majority vote of members present.
Article 23 of the powers of the general meeting are:
- Establish a strategy and overall objectives of the association
- The amendments to the Staff
- Choose Board
- Elect the President, Vice President and Secretary General of Association
- Approve the membership applications and protocols concluded
- Approves the income and expenditure and balance sheet
- Approve the annual contribution amount
- Choose Audit Committee
- Exclusion of joint proposals approved
- Approve the dissolution and liquidation of the association and the establishment of destination assets remaining after liquidation
- Approve the annual income and expenditure.
Art.24 The Board is composed of 4 (four) members, elected for a term of four years, nominated in association with right of reelection for a second consecutive term. President, Vice President and General Secretary and Secretary, as part of the board of directors.
Art.25 attributions Board
a. prepare annual work program and future association
b. The proposed annual budget and pursue joint
c. The proposed policy seeks personal and organizational association
d. convene a general meeting and draw up its agenda
e. organize elections
f. approve requests for inclusion in the association
g. the proposed annual fee for full members
h. The association makes proposals for exclusion from or termination of membership
i. approves the creation of sections, working groups or committees
j. appoint treasurer
Article 26 The President is elected by the General Assembly with simple majority for a term of four years, with the right to reelection for a second consecutive term. Its attributions are:
a. The Board shall convene and chair meetings
b. represents the association in its relations with other associations, institutions or organizations
c. is responsible for operational leadership of the association
d. vote in the Council Directory
Article 27 of the General Assembly Vice-President is elected by simple majority of votes, for a term of four years, as the subsequent election for another term, and has the following tasks:
a. Take the duties of the President at his request or where it is unavailable. If interim President than six months / one year, it becomes as president of the association until the mandate expires. The vice president took office shall be by Board decision on a written request from the President or, if its unavailability, the statutory conditions are fulfilled.
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