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    Charity "Timi & Raluca" launched the fundraising "HELP THEM TO GO TO SCHOOL." Campaign aims to increase access to education for disadvantaged children, for starters, the Reghin and surroundings, and in the future, according to the understanding and support of civil society (and therefore by yourself), in rural areas in general ..



    In Romania, rural children often have to fight for their right to education.The rate wholesale abandonment in rural areas to keep these children at risk of being marginalized in terms of social and professional when the situation is becoming grown-up.This generated mainly by poverty, lack of financial means of parents to support children in school and throughout the general school and high school let alone college.

     For many families rulal environment, in particular, but also in urban areas, only came to bring bread on the table is the child allowance. Parents are striving to earn occasionally.

    However, reaching the end of the day gain in their homes is often inadequate to feed the family, to put or send children to school. The economic crisis is a particular challenge for these families because it triggered a general rise in prices, but offers limited and seasonal work. Therefore, a helping hand can remove the deadlock families in need.

    When blessed with many gifts life will, in turn blessed them your others!


    That will raise money behind this campaign will be invested in the education of disadvantaged children, with good and very good teaching. 100 lei, AFTRA can provide an average transport a child in a family without financial possibilities to rural and from school for a month or provide necessary supplies for a month for a child who wants to continue their studies but not money for it.

    100 lei per month, can help a child in rural areas to fulfill their most precious dream: to go to school. Your decision to invest this amount of monthly child support a part of transport costs to school supplies, clothes, books and social activities. All activities included in the project will be carried out and monitored by AFTRA to ensure quality program and financial responsibility from our donors.

    This progran, AFTRA wants to support these children in order to enjoy better living conditions, and access to education.


    You too can contribute directly to improving the quality of life of such child and provide a better future.

    Some banks offer their customers can make transfers online or recurring payments (a certain amount set by you is automatically withdrawn from your account the same day of each month). You can check if you are the customer and the bank also offers services to ease the process of donation.


    For details and information about the project are available.

    Thank you for your attention and, in advance, for understanding and kindness that you give evidence through donations and support.



    Marcel Sandru

    Vicepresdent AFTRA,






    PS.In support and aid in exchange for funding and rolling out projects and activities, AFTRA will promote, by posting a custom page (which can contain text, images and video presentation) on the above web address.


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      Vrei sa ajuti la derularea activitatilor si proiectelor Asociatiei filantropice "Timi&Raluca"?O poti face printr-o mica donatie in contul AFTR : RO11BRMA0999100060580570  deschis la Banca Romaneasca Reghin

                                     Sau achizitioneaza, un spatiu publicitar.Acesta va fi inserat in pagina aleasa de tine.

                             Daca doresti spatiu de publicitate aici,suna la 0758-644.761 !!!


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