THE PROJECT TITLE : "The day care center RALUCA"
Establishing a day care center for assistance, support and advice Children from disadvantaged families, subjected to exploitation or domestic violence and who are unable to continue studies and school dropouts, called "day care center RALUCA"
Through this we aim to help center and adults Older people at the poverty with material goods ( Clothing, footwear, personal hygiene products, etc.) and
staple foods (oil, flour, sugar, canned food, etc.) from donations and sponsorships.
-Filantropica"TIMI & Raluca-Association. "
-North-central area of Romania, Reghin , Mures City.
1Disadvantaged children (from poor families or wich have parents leave working abroad), especially those with school problems and health problems.
2. Adults, homeless or without income, people in inability to work and not have other forms of social assistance.
3.Old pepople,with a very low income, living at the poverty line.
Broadening the target group will be made gradually, depending on material possibilities and existing funds.
Creating "Raluca Day Center" model center assistance, support and social integration of underprivileged children, abused and exploited, to prevent school dropout.
Fitting in this center, a space collection, temporary storage and distribution of material aid(Clothes, shoes, food nonperishable, stationery, toys, etc.).
The purchase os some automobiles wich serve to the transportation and distribution of material goods when the situation requires work and the distribution of food and material aid to assisted individuals at home.
Sponsors of local, national and international, City Hall Reghin, Band Hall, the County School Inspectorates, Police Community Reghin , County Department child protection.
Choosing partners.
Choosing partners will be disseminating objective and pine goal.
Unfortunately, there are children who are confronted with the lack of family support to attend school (either because the family is not interested in them supported to attend school, because I believe that school is an unnecessary expense, or that one or both parents are leave to work abroad and those who care for child they can help him to attend regular school classes) but the lack of school and community participation for
their integration and support for regular attendance and good Results of the school.
Being a young organization, but with some experience on humanitarian (although, for this purpose, we also founded Our association has developed this draft just the Day Care Center school dropout prevention, support of children Endowed with native talents in various fields (literature, arts arts, music, sports, etc.) and, but without the financial possibilities of capitalize on these talents. Children are the ones that are required to create a support structure in order to attend school.Through this center will be assured a warm meal noon, adequate space to prepare lessons together with
volunteers, special staff , which will help guide a rich library, Internet access, a psychologist and specialist for health surveillance. In the evening, when they return home, children will be given a package with food and cold. In some intervals (monthly) will provide supplies and, depending on the season,will provide for the 30 children who will benefit from assistance direct, suitable clothing and footwear. Along with these children directly assisted will ensure the aid is food, clothing,footwear and school supplies for children of ethnic community room Band village, county Mures, problems with community chronic poverty. And these children will provide assistance medical specialist when needed (especially that many parents have working and not working any legal and therefore no insurance cover health) and support for school preparation, dependingneeds.
Along with these children, we propose that the aid materials collected or received as donations and sponsorships to support and adult or elderly, homeless, without income
very low income or who are at the poverty line.These people will benefit from psychological assistance in order reintegration into society, and community re-gaining confidence self-esteem, and those able to work will benefit advise, assist and support with finding a job work activity will be supported by local community, the association partners and sponsors.
Activities and results
- Buying or renting a property that can be rearranged to for this center with minimum cost and effort, given the period unsuitable for construction;
- Proper arrangement of the building, to ensure a room classrooms with necessary equipment, the library, with computers and access Internet, a food preparation space, a space thanks for serving about 30 people, social group, a cabinet psychologist, a space for the collection, temporary storage and distribution of aid materials, a cloakroom and parking vans,
- Purchase of equipment for the Centre: Furniture and supplies (Writing) for the classroom, computers (3-5 units), and meals dining room chairs, furniture and kitchen equipment, office furniture, material for making racks books (library), toilet ware, Pisuar (2-3 pcs.) and a shower social group, space planning material collection.
- Providing supplies and other material goods for children frequency can assist in optimal conditions and with good results school classes.
- Selection of personnel for the center 1 qualified teacher, a psychologist, a social worker, two chefs, 2 nurses, 1 driver who will focus on activities.
- Concluding a partnership agreement with the County (or local) for child protection and the County School Inspectorate to ensure continuity of support for children with problems the schools where we learn them, to ensure efficient support given by the association, partnership agreements will be concluded Police and Community Reghin as with other public show will be available to support our project
- The criteria that will determine which children may benefit from Assistance Center and for how long, as the criteria define what persons or families eligible for assistance under project, including home,
- Selection start children and people who will benefit from center program
- Start of the assistance program,
- Monitoring of each child and each person included in program, through psychological evaluations, the teachers" school where they, in children, to determine situation at entry into the program, and periodic evaluations, monthly, to highlight the outcomes.
The expected impact
"Raluca Day Center will create a working model that we intend to institutions. Along with the children directly in the center assisted this project will integrate children with family problems, but adults or elderly persons who need support. It has to reduce school dropout, support to children undergoing violence and family abuse or social integration that school project, support institutions, local community and children"s families, restore human dignity of persons in an advanced state of poverty, inoculation, implementation and deepening of notion of "voluntary" youngsters, in particular, and
community in general. Beside this direct effect will help center to train local communities in solving their own problems.
ESTIMATED COST: 450,000 RON (100,000 euros or 150.000 USD) of which:
- Own contribution: 10%
- donations, sponsorships, partnerships, diverse funding sources: 90%
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