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    sell toner chip for HP Color LaserJet 3700 £¨BK/C/M/Y£©

    We re a gold manufacturer on the biggestinternational B2B website of *****, exporting toner chip, OPC drum. Such as: Samsung toner chip,Minota toner chip, Ricoh toner chip, EPSON toner chip,HP toner chip,Lexmarktoner chip, SHARP toner chip, OKI toner chip, Dell toner chip, KYOCERA toner chip, Kyocera Mita toner chip, Triumph-Adler toner chip,OLIVETTI toner chip.

    toner chip for LaserJet 2400/2410/2420/2430

    toner chip for LaserJet P3005/M3027MFP/M3035MFP

    (HP Q7551A/X)

    toner chip for LaserJet 4200

    toner chip for LaserJet 4250/4350 (HP Q5942A/X)

    toner chip for LaserJet 4300

    toner chip for HP CP1215/CP1515/1312 (BK/C/M/Y)

    toner chip for HP P4014/P4015 (CC364A /X)

    toner chip for Hp CP2025/2020 CM2320MFP  (BK/C/M/Y)

    toner chip for HP2030 2035A 2050 2055 (CE505A/X)

    toner chip for LaserJet 5200

    toner chip for LaserJet 9000/9040/9050/M9040/M9050

    toner chip for LaserJet 4100/4101MFP

    toner chip for LaserJet 4345MFP

    toner chip for LaserJet P1007/1008 nonuniversal

    toner chip for Laserjet P1005/P1006/P1505 nonuniversal

    (HP CB436A/ CB435A)

    toner chip for Laserjet P1005/P1006/P1505 /P1007/1008

    (HP CB435A/36A/38A)

    toner chip for HP Color LaserJet 1600/2600n/2605/CM1015MFP/CM1017MFP

    toner chip for Color LaserJet 2550/2820/2840

    (HP Q3961A/ HP Q3962A/ HP Q3963A/ HP Q3971A/ HP Q3972A/ HP Q3973A)

    toner chip for Color LaserJet 2700/3000

    (HP Q7560A / HP Q7561A/ HP Q7562A/ HP Q7563A)

    toner chip for HP Color LaserJet 3500/3550/3700 BK

    toner chip for HP Color LaserJet 3500/3550 (C/M/Y)

    toner chip for HP Color LaserJet 3700 (C/M/Y)

    toner chip for HP CP3505/3600/3800/3000/2600/1600(BK/C/M/Y)

    toner chip for Color LaserJet 4600/4650 (C/M/K/Y)

    toner chip for Color LaserJet 5500/5550 (C/M/K/Y)


    E-mail: sale01()*****

    Company: Printer Color Technology Co.LTD

    Website : *****.cn

    Address: Room 402,Unite 1,Building 22,Sheng Fu Da Yuan,Beijing Westroad No.69,Nanchang City ,Jiangxi Province,China

    Tel:86-0791-6207670  Fax:86-0791-6207670

    Skype: printercolorltd.chip

    Trade Manager: cn220023908

    ICQ: 622-067-120

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