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    Proprietati la vanzare in strainatate

    The Boterhuis –National monument, Historic Building, Delft, Netherlands

    The Boterhuis –National monument, Historic Building, Delft, Netherlands 


    The Boter Huis (Butter House) the building where butter was made in the 1600 and 1700"s.


    Historic building in the heart of the downtown of Delft, Netherlands.


    National monument, protected by the Dutch government


    Facade re-built 1775, building from 1600"s and earlier.

    Many original beams still in place


    Building completely renovated recently and in excellent condition.


    Located in the very center of the historic town -"The Markt"


    Facing the town hall, the New Church, the canals


    4 floors over 550 m2

    Ground floor 175 m2

    First floor 175 m2

    2nd floor 160 m2

    3rd floor (attic) 50 m2


    Currently the building is rented out to a high-end Furniture & Designer store. If desired, the building can be rented out in the current arrangement (between 90.000 to 130.000 Euros rental income per year), or can be used for private residence, or can be converted in a hotel, restaurant etc as soon as the current lease agreement expires.


    The Dutch authorities allow any inside conversion, as long as the exterior façade remains unaltered.


    Furniture not included.




    This is a very rare opportunity at this price. There are no other historic properties like that on historic piazza ‘The Markt’ in Delft.


    Price: 2.880.000 Euros (reduced from 3.2 mil euros).


    Additional property 50 meters away can be part of a combo, package deal if purchased together.

    See more photos of the Boterhuis –can send complete set upon request

    Central location facing the town hall, cathedral & canals

    2nd floor view of the town hall and cathedral

    Ground floor view

    back view on each floor facing the canals

    Main entrance from the piazza

                                                      Spacious 4 floors full of light                                                           Back façade with the golden butter barrel motif

    Historic Monument Building -Store Front For Sale in Delft, South Holland Netherlands

    The Boter Huis -National Monument Building In Delft


    Asking Price: 2,880,000 €


        * **Price reduction for a speedy sale*** -10% from the initial 3.2 mil


    The Boter Huis (Butter House) the building where butter was made in the 1600 and 1700"s.


    Historic building in the heart of the downtown of Delft, Netherlands.


    National monument, protected by the Dutch government


    Facade re-built 1775, building from 1600"s and earlier.

    Many original beams still in place


    Building completely renovated recently and in excellent condition.


    Located in the very center of the historic town -"The Markt"


    Facing the town hall, the New Church, the canals



    4 floors over 550 m2

    Ground floor 175 m2

    First floor 175 m2

    2nd floor 160 m2

    3rd floor (attic) 50 m2


    Currently the building is rented out to a high-end Furniture & Designer store.

    If desired, the building can be rented out in the current arrangement ( between 90.000 to 130.000 Euros rental income per year), or can be used for private residence, or can be converted in a hotel, restaurant etc


    Furniture not included.


    This is a very rare opportunity at this price. There are no other historic properties like that on the market in Delft.



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