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    Proprietati la vanzare in strainatate

    Luxury Country Estate near Sotogrande

    Elegant and luxury country estate on top on private hill , overlooking the unspoiled countryside .

    There are 18,7 ha of gently rolling hills with large flat areas.The main villa sits on top of a hill , surrounded by a landscaped garden with a lot of palms and tropical plants , a king sized pool and a summer BBQ house .

    The in 2005 with best materials new builded , andalusian style villa offers a luxury living on one floor . There are 3 bedrooms en suite , a walk-in dressing room , a granny - flat ( apartment with small kitchen ,/ studio , bedroom and bathroom ) , main salon with french windows & high cathedral ceilings, another salon , a large dining room and a professionally equipped kitchen with a freezer room and a office room .

    A inside patio connects to another guest apartment and Spa area with gym , hammam and sauna . The villa is surrounded by several covered terraces . In front of the villa is enough parking space for several cars .

    App 150 meters set apart from the villa are two more guest - houses , the stables with 12 horses boxes , a horse shower and a blacksmith area and the paddock .

    The property is fenced and has full burger alarm with CCTV . Mains electricity is connected , but there is a well standby diesel generator . Best quality drinking water comes from a private well with a daily capacity of app 500 m3-

    The main house has a gas central heating and the guest - house have a oil fired heating system , Air conditioning is installed in the bedrooms and the office room of the main villa .

    The property is situated app 15 minutes drive a away from Sotogrande . Close by is the village of San Martin del Tesorillo , where are some local shops , bars , doctor etc . Close by is the luxury boutique hotel Monasterio de San Juan .

    The last 500 meters to the property is a “ dirt track” in a good conditions . Inside of the property all tracks are stone paved .

    5.450.000 Euros

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