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    Proprietati la vanzare in strainatate

    MARBELLA - Elegant villa with guest-house

    Elegant villa with guest-house MARBELLA

    House: 624sqm
    Land: 1.296sqm
    Bedrooms: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Garage: 2
    Staff-Apartment: 1
    Outdoor-Pool: 1
    Indoor-Pool: 0
    This elegant property has an detached 2-storey villa and an also
    detached 2-storey guest house.
    Below the guest house which is divided in two guest apartments
    is a big double garage and a smaller apartment for the domestic
    A special highlight is the fantastic garden with tropical
    plantation and many cosy corners, terraces, footways, splashing
    wells, pavilions, outside pool …
    The property is in a very good estate. To mention is the central,
    but very quiet situation of the property. Schools and a
    supermarket are in the neighborhood; to the city centre of
    Marbella one needs approx. 5 minutes by the car or with the bus.

    1.295.000 Euros

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