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    18th-century palace with project for a 5-Star (GL) Hotel GRANADA - Spain

    18th-century palace with project for a 5-Star (GL) Hotel

    GRANADA - Spain


    The “Palacio del Cuzco” is a 18th-century neoclassical (Greek Revival) monument, build by the archbishop of Granada, Jose Manuel Mososco y Peralta in 1780.

    The palace and the garden were used by the bishop as a posh summer residence.

    Impressive are the mural paintings with the story of Don Quixote.

    The palace is located in the village of Viznar, at the North-East of Granada and only a 15 minutes drive away from the ALHAMBRA and the old quater, THE ALBAICIN.

    The palace comes with a full licenced project to build a 5-Star (GL) Hotel complex with 80 suites / rooms, indoor pool, SPA, conference rooms,restaurants, underground parking...

    The extra costs for to realize this project

    were calculated by app. 7.000.000 Euros.

    This includes the reformation work of the palace building, the reformation of the garden and the construction of a new attached building & the new instalations.

    The total investment will be app.17.000.000 Euros to get the most extravagant and prestigious hotel of Granada!

    A renting option as well is available!

    Palace: app. 2.560qm

    New building: app. 9.028qm

    TOTAL: app. 11.588qm

    Plot: app. 10.650qm



    Two buildings connecting to each other, one of them the Palacio will kept separated from the other to accentuate the look and the standing of the Hotel, the other building a new construction, situated looking to the Palacio, on the border of the plot and on a lower level. The new building will be formed by two wings, one of them will be the bigger one consisting in the major part of the rooms and other facilities, like gymnasium, dressing rooms, pool and both wings will be connected to each other to assure the good function of the Hotel. They will be a part of the wings functioning as centre between the Palacio and the Hotel and will be used for all the necessary services. It will be build underground respecting to the level of the street. Those buildings will be build in a shape of platforms covered with gardens, half underground to look like a prolongation of the gardens of the Palacio and give the major accent to the Palacio. The underground garage has space for 132 cars.

    Sales Price of the property

    10.000.000 Euros

    + 5% Agent Fee

    (+ app. 7.000.000 Euros building



    If you like to get more detailed information about this unique

    project, please get in contact with us.

    Afer signing a N.D.A / L.O.I and after presenting a P.O.Fletter from your bank, we are able to give you a full dossier and we will invite you to inspect the property with us.


    Florela Petculescu+ 40724677484 / + 393888032906*****http://*****

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