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    trailere,bene auto,remorci,cisterne


    Transportation of bulk cereals

    The company has a “ Autorizatie tehnica” no. 65/17.01.2006 issued by the Romanian Auto Registry regarding:

    The company has a “ Autorizatie tehnica” no. 65/17.01.2006 issued by the Romanian Auto Registry regarding:
    -construction and mounting of tipping superstructures on automatic chassis
    -construction and mounting of log transportation platform superstructures
    The back tipping superstructure is mounted on automatic chassis: 4x2; 6x4; 6x6; 8x4; 8x6; 8x8 delivered by: SCANIA, MAN, DAF, IVECO, Renault, Mercedes, Volvo, Roman
    The skip has a parallelepiped structure, having a 7-30 m3 capacity.
    The skip is an aluminium welded construction, with sheet front wall, and side walls made of closed aluminium frames. Reinforced sheet floor with "U" section. Double back door, folding on sides. Inspection opening with a shutter on each door. The frontal access platform for the inspection and folding of the protection tarpaulin top
    The supplementary chassis is a welded construction from steel pipes of OL52.3K quality.
    The buffer system is made of polyamide and rubber.
    The hydraulic tipping installation is type HYVA with tipping operation from the cabin, with limited "knock-off" tipping; for details see:
    The superstructure is equipped with:
    - Spare wheel support mounted on the supplementary chassis or the automatic chassis or on the skip.
    - Prop
    - Aluminium or plastic mud baffles for tandem. For the 8x4 automatic chassis, the mud protectors for axis no. 2 is made of plastic.
    - Side protection according to Reg. 73 ECE ONU
    - Side signaling according to Reg. 48 ECE ONU
    - Back adjustable anti-wedging bar
    - Reflectorizing guide marks according to Reg. 104 ECE ONU
    - mounting electrically operated manual tarpaulin with remote control; for details see:

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