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    trailere,bene auto,remorci,cisterne


    The semitrailer is designed for the transportation of cargo packed in standard containers of 10, 20, 30, or 40 feet. The construction was designed with gripping devices that allow the grip of any type of the above mentioned containers, on the platform. The chassis is made of two parallel longerons, with "I" section profile, tied to each other with "I" girders, assembled by welding. The special elements of the girders are designed for gripping the containers on the trailer and they are fitted with fastening elements on the ends. The running gear is of tridem type with pneumatic suspension. The axes with drum brake or intradisk brake, for details see: *****. Adjustable support device of 2x12 tons, from import. The brake assembly with 2 circuits with automatic regulators depending on the transported weight -Wabco ABS 4S/2M or EBS (electronic brakes system) - 4 sensors/2 modulators/axis, for details see: *****. Electrical installation: 24Volts with 2x7 pole or 1x15 pole outlets according to ECE UNO norms; lighting installation: 2 rear fender lamps, side fender lamps, 2 multifunctional rear lamps according to ECE UNO norms. Coupling system: pivot 2" or 3.5" - import. Mud baffles made of steel sheet with mud proof protection; side protection according to Reg.73 ECE UNO. Side signaling according to Reg.48 ECE ONU; rear anti-wedging bar; reflectorizing marks according to Reg. 104 ECE UNO. Wheels: 6 wheels size 385/65 R22,5 and one spare wheel; spare wheel support; access ladder.
    The semitrailer is designed and built according to the European traffic regulations, and the TIR agreement, and can be coupled with automatic tractors manufactured by MERCEDES, RENAULT, MAN, IVECO, STEYER, SCANIA, VOLVO, DAF, ROMAN

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