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    Construction Recruiting Agency in India

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    Adaugat la data de 13 Mar 2025 15:01 - ID: 879892  
    Candidates for the construction industry are not easy to get. Skilled and trained candidates are hard to find. No issues, AJEETS connects you with the best candidates who can address all of your issues. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, AJEETS professionals sort the best candidates for the construction industry from different parts of the world. AJEETS is one of the best Construction Recruiting Agencies. We hire skilled candidates for Far East countries like Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, China, etc. Far East countries have a lot of job openings but these jobs are hard to crack. We hire from countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda. AJEETS helps you to get the best candidates. We hire for job roles like Laborers, Plumber, Shuttering Carpenter, Draftsman, Duct men, Mechanics, Roofer, Painter, and Tiles Fitter. As the best Construction recruiting agency, we offer cost-effective and timely services. Try out some of our best services!
      Contact Us: https://*****
      AJEETs Management & Manpower Consultancy
      Western Edge 2, Office No 407, 4th Floor, Opp. Metro Mall,
      Western Express Highway,
      Borivali -East
      Mumbai-400066, India
      📧 Email: *****
      📞 Phone: +919692553083
      🌐 Website: https://*****
      Email ID: *****
      Website: https://*****
      Facebook: https://*****
      Twitter: https://*****
      LinkedIn: https://*****
      Instagram: https://*****
      Youtube: https://*****
      For more details please visits here



    13 Mar 2025  ·  Valabilit. 9 Sept 2025  ·  Afisari : 61  ·  Modificati anuntul  · Semnalati o neregula     

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